- You think you’re the Lone Ranger
- You’re always looking over your shoulder
- You need someone else to set you in motion
- You’re afraid to ruffle feathers
- You avoid work that denies you attention/credit/compliments
- Everyone has to like you
- You’d rather work on things than with people
- You hoard credit and find it painful to pay compliments
- You think people should “get it” the first time
- You “treat everyone the same”
- You devalue people based on “ism’s”
- You regularly keep score on what the company “owes you”
- You pay more attention to relationships above you than below
- You think recognition is a zero-sum game
- You prefer to be the source rather than a resource
- You let emotion and mood drive your reactions and interaction
- You’d rather be right than in relationship
- You think developing your people is restricted to their technical skills
- You think position means power
- You “wing it” when running a meeting
- You think employees are there for you to use as needed
- You really wish you could just close the door and get to work
- You think a good presentation consists of accurately delivered data
- You wait for problems to solve themselves and blow up when they don’t
- You let others take the risk of proposing ideas while you criticize them
- You reject others’ observations about your ideas rather than considering them
- You sneered at most of this list
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4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 colleges and universities around the world absolutely free of charge While some databases are only accessible via your university library, more and more universities are making these databases public. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc Dissertations written from 1997 forward are available full text. 26,000,000+ records in the database. More dissertations database information about full text access and requesting through Interlibrary Loan. Only dissertations awarded an A or B grade over the last 5 years will be available. Abstracts Showing 1 to 10 of 1139725 (0. The Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global database includes doctoral dissertations and selected masters theses from major universities worldwide. Includes citations ranging from the first U. Access the dissertations At a Glance Subject Area: Multidisciplinary. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc De dissertaties en dissertations database scripties binnen de Rijskuniversiteit Groningen zijn te vinden in onderzoeksdatabases en databases van de faculteiten Over de VU. Subjects included All dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses cataloged by OCLC members, on all subjects Academic PhD Dissertation Database - Search 1000s pages of free. Abstract to database Find theses & dissertations published by Dissertation. You can search by subject or type of work which is very helpful. UG theses at Bachelor's and Master's levels can be found per faculty:. Print and ebook downloads Only dissertation uk database dissertations awarded an A or B grade over the last 5 years will be available. Use the EGIS dissertation search tool to search and download any electronically dissertations database submitted dissertations. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc It is a free database with records for more than 800,000 electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. The UG's dissertations can be found in the research portal. Citations for dissertations and master's theses published from 1980 forward have abstracts. 4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world. 7 million available in full text for immediate downloading. Dissertations written from 1997 forward are available full text. 5 you are looking for a writing service with the privacy policy and money-back guarantee.. 2022 Publishers of academic thesis & dissertations. Overzicht collecties UB databases Canada dissertation database Indexes more than 425,000 Canadian theses and dissertations from 1965. At the moment there are 79846 finished dissertations in the database - and about half of these are available for download as PDF. 0045 seconds) Thesis abstracts South Korean Jurisprudence in International Arbitration: Potential Considerations for Cambodia CHHAY SUM, 2021 Yonsei University, Law, South Korea. Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637 Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD) Provides links to full-text where available for more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations. To find Harvard affiliate dissertations: DASH - Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard - DASH is the university's central, open access repository for the scholarly output of faculty and the broader research community at Harvard. Log in using your Heriot-Watt student username and password (as used for the student portal, email and Vision) Canada dissertation database Indexes more than 425,000 Canadian theses and dissertations from 1965.
Dissertations database
4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 colleges and universities around the world absolutely free of charge While some databases are only accessible via your university library, more and more universities are making these databases public. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc Dissertations written from 1997 forward are available full text. 26,000,000+ records in the database. More dissertations database information about full text access and requesting through Interlibrary Loan. Only dissertations awarded an A or B grade over the last 5 years will be available. Abstracts Showing 1 to 10 of 1139725 (0. The Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global database includes doctoral dissertations and selected masters theses from major universities worldwide. Includes citations ranging from the first U. Access the dissertations At a Glance Subject Area: Multidisciplinary. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc De dissertaties en dissertations database scripties binnen de Rijskuniversiteit Groningen zijn te vinden in onderzoeksdatabases en databases van de faculteiten Over de VU. Subjects included All dissertations, theses, and published material based on theses cataloged by OCLC members, on all subjects Academic PhD Dissertation Database - Search 1000s pages of free. Abstract to database Find theses & dissertations published by Dissertation. You can search by subject or type of work which is very helpful. UG theses at Bachelor's and Master's levels can be found per faculty:. Print and ebook downloads Only dissertation uk database dissertations awarded an A or B grade over the last 5 years will be available. Use the EGIS dissertation search tool to search and download any electronically dissertations database submitted dissertations. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc It is a free database with records for more than 800,000 electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. The UG's dissertations can be found in the research portal. Citations for dissertations and master's theses published from 1980 forward have abstracts. 4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world. 7 million available in full text for immediate downloading. Dissertations written from 1997 forward are available full text. 5 you are looking for a writing service with the privacy policy and money-back guarantee.. 2022 Publishers of academic thesis & dissertations. Overzicht collecties UB databases Canada dissertation database Indexes more than 425,000 Canadian theses and dissertations from 1965. At the moment there are 79846 finished dissertations in the database - and about half of these are available for download as PDF. 0045 seconds) Thesis abstracts South Korean Jurisprudence in International Arbitration: Potential Considerations for Cambodia CHHAY SUM, 2021 Yonsei University, Law, South Korea. Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637 Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD) Provides links to full-text where available for more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations. To find Harvard affiliate dissertations: DASH - Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard - DASH is the university's central, open access repository for the scholarly output of faculty and the broader research community at Harvard. Log in using your Heriot-Watt student username and password (as used for the student portal, email and Vision) Canada dissertation database Indexes more than 425,000 Canadian theses and dissertations from 1965.